De Grote Verkeerstoets is our contribution to the traffic education of more than 60.000 primary and secondary school pupils in Flanders.
One of the coolest projects in our 25-year history takes place within school walls. For several years now, De Grote Verkeerstoets has been running on a platform developed and maintained by Nine O'Clock Somewhere. What started as a project for fifth graders has grown to include all grades of primary education and the first grade of secondary education.
During our visit to a primary school for the "Helm Op, Fluo Top!" project, we got talking to teachers whose classes were also participating in De Grote Verkeerstoets. They referred to the past when they received an annual package of lesson plans about the (regularly changing) traffic rules, and praised De Grote Verkeerstoets for its simplicity and effectiveness: no more preparing tests but ready-to-use online exercises with correct explanations. This freed up time for teachers to do what they do best: teaching.
Through a clear and straightforward dashboard, a teacher can manage his or her pupils, monitor their results and compare statistics with other classes in the school, or even all schools across Flanders.
Preparing the tests naturally requires an effort from the experts at the Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde (VSV). To help them in their effort, we created a custom-built management platform in which all questions are created independently of the questionnaires. Those questionnaires can then be deployed by the VSV for various exercises or tests by editing a few simple settings.
By making use of editions, the platform can easily be redeployed for subsequent editions while retaining the questions, questionnaires and settings. Multiple VSV staff are regularly working in the platform at the same time to prepare the learning materials.
Leerlingen krijgen bij registratie een unieke token van hun leerkracht, waarmee ze kunnen aanmelden op hun eigen persoonlijke omgeving. Hier zien ze een overzicht van de thema’s en de resultaten die ze hebben behaald. Na het afleggen van De Grote Verkeerstoets ontvangen ze een gepersonaliseerd rapport met hun cijfers en een gratis ticket naar een pretpark als beloning.
Pupils receive a unique token from their teacher upon registration, with which they can log in to their own personal area. Here, they find an overview of the topics and the results they've achieved. After taking part in De Grote Verkeerstoets, they receive a beautiful personalised report card with their grades (and a free ticket to an amusement park as a reward!).
Spelend leren is effectief leren, en dat gaat natuurlijk verder dan een klassieke multiple choice. Met behulp van video en interactieve vraagtypes zoals ‘drag ‘n drop’ of ‘fill the blank’ proberen we de vragen afwisselend te houden. Om zoveel mogelijk leerlingen te bereiken is de website gebruiksvriendelijk gebouwd en zijn de vragen bijvoorbeeld vooraf ingelezen, waardoor ze audiovisueel toegankelijk zijn.
Playful learning is effective learning. So of course, this meant we had to go beyond classic multiple choice questions. By uilizing video and interactive question types such as drag 'n drop or fill-the-blank, we try to keep things varied. To reach as many pupils as possible, the website is also built to be user-friendly and accessible. For example, the questions are pre-read, making them audiovisually accessible to everyone.