Serious fun for generation Z
Serious fun for generation Z
With this virtual game, young people primarily learn about themselves first. We hold up a mirror to them by asking questions and presenting dilemmas. The outcome of this game is gaining insight into your interests and intuitive choices (profile). The result is not a study advice (offer) but a reflection on yourself. It serves as a conversation starter with your parents, friends, or school counselor. It helps you discover who you are and what truly suits you.
In co-creation towards results
In co-creation towards results
For the EFRO project 'De Zes van de Kempen,' we developed an integrated campaign concept in co-creation with six cities in the Kempen region. This concept not only establishes a unique brand identity but also helps achieve the set objectives. The project aims to attract more visitors to the commercial centers of the cities of Turnhout, Hoogstraten, Heist-op-den-Berg, Mol, Geel, and Herentals and encourage them to spend there.
Streaming eCommerce
Streaming eCommerce
The Virtual Catwalk makes it possible to purchase products from a full screen 'TV broadcast'. Directly from the video without going to a product detail page. The platform we developed enables Mayerline to provide weekly broadcasts for her (potential) customers. Whether this is a beautifully recorded parade or a live broadcast from one of her 42 shops, the streaming commerce platform is ready for it.
ADJ: The experience starts at home
ADJ: The experience starts at home
There are so many reasons to visit Hanenbos, Destelheide and De Hoge Rielen. Our content strategy focuses on four pillars: stay, experience, inspire, meet.
A digital transformation
A digital transformation
For nearly 10 years, we have supported Umicore in achieving its digital objectives. Our work ranges from strategy and innovation, to graphical and web development. Supporting over 10 different business units, we use the agile scrum method to develop in co-creation and quickly go to market.